Wednesday, May 15, 2024

How To Increase Intimacy In A Relationship

Intimacy means many things in a relationship aside from the physical component or mere sex. When you’re with a mate over the long term, it takes significant effort, energy, and some ingenuity to keep the connection balanced.

For some couples, leaving the honeymoon phase can be a challenge. A long-term commitment and how to keep that intimacy alive once comfort and familiarity set in deceive them.

It is true as time goes by, there will be moments where the flame struggles, letting you know you need to work a little harder.

After being together for years, it’s normal not to have that sort of infatuation you might have started with from the earlier days of dating. While you care much deeper for each other, there’s a desire to increase intimacy in a relationship and there are ways you can strengthen your flame.

It’s a matter of opening the line of communication to learn the other’s needs and desires so these can be satisfied.

Let’s look at a few steps you can take to maneuver back closer to those “honeymoon” days.

Increasing Intimacy In A Relationship

Financial Independence in Relationships

Intimacy, love, long-term relationships take much work. These are not something you can be lazy or neglectful about and expect the partnership to be strong, healthy, and thriving.

Once you leave those early stages of dating when you wear rose-colored glasses where a mate is concerned, reality sets in, and the effort begins.

Some couples don’t make it very far into a long-term partnership because they don’t know how to establish or maintain intimacy after infatuation. Men can go here

for tips on growing intimacy in a marriage. Then for couples, here are a few of these tips that might help you on your way from infatuation to long-term.

●  Tokens of affection

If intimacy has waned, you might not be able to re-establish what you had instantly; it will take some time, patience, and small steps. You can start with gestures of affection, one of which is merely saying the words “I love you.”

These never grow old despite what some might believe. It all depends on how you say it and who says it. Let your mate know how enchanting you find them, and ensure that you take time with your appearance.

Make an effort to spend quality time together without electronics, so there are no interruptions or distractions. Make the time count; put your arms around each other when you’re walking down the street, hold each other’s hand, and take time for a kiss. After some time, intimacy will build.

●  Sexual compatibility

Couples who have been together for a while might feel that the flame is growing weak because sex is not as exciting as it once was.

If you typically initiate sex with your partner and seem to do so, in the same way, most of the time, change it up to make things more exciting. A mate must know that they’re attractive and worth from to added effort.

That also means if you’re not the one who generally initiates, you take the opportunity to do so in order to show your partner that you’re also eager and excited to be with them.

●  Physical affection

Physical intimacy is not all about sex. Affection can mean many things and should be a significant component of every day in a healthy relationship.

When it’s time to go to work in the morning, there should be a lingering kiss of a few seconds (6 is the suggestion) instead of a quick peck goodbye and a whole-body hug to let the other person know you’ll miss each other.

It should show on faces at the end of the day that neither person could wait to see the other. While sitting watching TV or having a deep conversation, there should be cuddling on the couch or even merely holding hands. Touch is beneficial in numerous ways, particularly for overall general health.

●  Let go of devices

Put away the electronics as much as possible when you’re spending time as a couple, whether going out to dinner, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or even starting a new hobby together.

This allows a focus on the other person without interference from a device. Once the evening is finished, emails, messages, and business can be conducted, and no one will feel slighted since quality time was the priority. See here some intimate questions to ask a partner in the quiet evenings on the couch.

Learn more: Daily Habits You Should Adopt To Have A Perfect Lifestyle

Final Thought

Intimacy can be re-established in a relationship when a couple takes time and puts intention into doing so. For couples starting who aren’t quite sure how to make the transition from infatuation to a committed long-term relationship, pay attention to the person you’re dating before you commit, ensuring this is someone you want a lasting relationship with.

Often each person is putting on airs when dating instead of being authentic. Once comfortability and familiarity set in (and reality), so does laziness. Coming back to intimacy can be a challenge when you become lackadaisical about the partnership. It’s vital to keep working at it from the start.

Akash Saini
Akash Saini
Akash is an editor of Ok Easy Life. He is an atheist who believes in love and cultural diversity. To publish content on this blog read guidelines- Write for us

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