Sunday, May 12, 2024

10 tips to get a good result in the IELTS exam

Firstly, we must say that the IELTS is a test of British origin that qualifies your general English language skills in all its aspects (reading, listening, writing and conversation). There are two types of IELTS exam, a general one for immigration purposes and an academic one for entrance purposes to a higher education institution.

If you want to study abroad, it is essential that you take an internationally valid English level test such as IELTS. If you want to prepare yourself to obtain the best results in this test, we leave you these tips to obtain a good result in the IELTS exam.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses

If you are looking for a certification that validates your level of English, you should know that these types of exams cover a large number of areas such as: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Based on these base areas of the IELTS, analyze which is the one that causes you the greatest difficulty, so that you pay more attention at the time of your studies.

Take an online IELTS mock test

To familiarize yourself with the type of questions that will appear on the IELTS test, what you can do is answer mock tests of the real test. Most of the time these exams are made up of questions from past tests, so they are an excellent guide to the type of questions you will come across. The contents, vocabulary, topics and specific questions may change, but it will be an excellent base to analyze which areas you should reinforce before the test. 

Create a work plan that includes all sections of the IELTS test

Once you have identified the areas in which you have the greatest difficulty, and have also answered a practice test, you will know what it is that you should put more emphasis on.

Make a work plan to study each of the areas of the exam and give greater weight to the areas where your greatest weakness is. Do not forget to also give a general check to the rest of the areas of the exam.

Don’t forget to practice your English in general

Even if you are preparing for a specific exam, you should not lose sight of constantly practicing your level of English. Although the particular urgency is to pass the exam, it is always useful to continue improving beyond the test, since what will give you fluency, comfort, ease and rapprochement with the language is studying on a daily basis beyond the IELTS exam.

Feed your vocabulary

Even if you already become familiar with the type of questions and the areas that will be asked in the IELTS exam, you must continue feeding your vocabulary, since they are the only modifications that this type of exam usually has, with respect to its contents.

Make sure you are at the forefront based on the new words that are implemented in the school, work, tourism and business areas.

Evaluate your reading comprehension

An important part of the IELTS exam is Reading and writing, since beyond being in themselves important parts of the exam, perhaps they are the ones that take us the longest to answer.

When we focus on a particular area of Reading, we try to understand the reading 100% by reading it several times, but this can work against us, decreasing the resolution time available for the rest of the exam.

So, focusing on improving your reading comprehension will not only help you to pass the exam, but also to answer it in the shortest amount of time possible, easing the pressure you are under during the exam. This is undoubtedly one of the most important tips to obtain a good result in the IELTS exam.

Stay awake and energized

We know that a test can be stressful, as is studying for it. So while you study, and even more so during the exam, try to stay rested, with an open mind and a great disposition to learn.

The best way to prevent your nerves from eating up before any exam is to put on a good face, and think about the objectives and benefits that leaving with a good exam grade will bring you.

Join a conversational group

In most of these types of exams, accents are played with, so the best way to enrich your ear is to talk with other people. This way you will be feeding your mind, and you will be getting used to speaking English on a daily basis, in addition to which you will also be improving your fluency when conversing.

One of the areas that the exam evaluates is conversation or speaking. Practice with a person with a native or C1 level of English preferably. Take the conversation from less to more, that is, from topics of daily life to more complex and interesting topics.

Work on fluency and coherence when holding a conversation

This is an excellent way to improve your ability in English, since, even if it is not a direct question in the exam, always keeping the clear answer in mind at all times will help you improve your brain plasticity.

By improving your fluency in speaking, you will also begin to do what is so difficult for non-English native speakers, which is to begin to think in English.

Take the IELTS preparation course

If you do not have enough time to carry out each of these tips, it is best to prepare yourself in a specialized course to pass the IELTS exam, like IELTS Courses in Melbourne. In this case you will prepare yourself in all the general aspects that are evaluated in the IELTS, concentrating especially on the type of questions that are usually asked in this test.

You will have specialized teachers not only in the language, but also in the specific teaching of the necessary skills to pass.

A preparation course will be the perfect tool for you to prepare in a guided and effective way to pass the IELTS exam, in the shortest possible time.

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