Saturday, May 11, 2024

6 Tips on How to Discipline Your Dog Properly

This might come as a bit of a surprise for some of you but living with a dog is not all fun and games. Life with a dog can also be stressful, tiresome, and even bothersome, with some wanting to give up. Luckily for us, it’s not like that all the time, and you can even reduce these situations through proper discipline and training.

However, some of us have this misconception that discipline should be hard-taught and even include pain. Well, no. It teaches a dog discipline has to be like that. You can still teach a dog discipline without the use of harsh methods. If you’re wondering how to do that, then you’re in luck.

This article will give you some tips on how to discipline your dogs without being very harsh. But remember to strap in and prepare a lot of patience because there won’t be quick shortcuts. So, without further ado, here’s how to properly discipline your dogs.

Have Some Positive Reinforcement

This is one of the best ways to teach your dogs discipline. Instead of hurting or yelling at them, you can teach them by giving them some positive reinforcement at the right time. In short, give them positive words after they’ve done an excellent job, and soothe them with your words every time they make a mistake.

For example, let’s say you’re potty training them. Wait until you see positive behavior. When they do it, you can give them praise and yummy dog treats to encourage this behavior further. This is good since their brain will connect that action and the treats.

Another thing you can do is to give them extra affection and repeat the command positively and exaggeratedly. Experts find that this method is usually very effective, not just for dogs but for pets in general. Not only does it encourage discipline, but it can also be a perfect moment for bonding with your dog.

Never Be Too Harsh

Being too harsh with your dogs isn’t only ineffective and can create additional problems for you and your dog. With that in mind, you can do two kinds of punishments for your dog. The first one is positive punishment, where you can do something to reduce the likelihood of that particular behavior from happening. The next is negative punishment, in which you take something your dog likes to deter bad behavior.

However, be careful when doling out the negative punishment. A too-tough consequence is very unlikely to reduce your problems. Instead, it can create new ones, like your dogs fearing you, mistrust, and other behavioral issues. For instance, if you don’t feed your dogs during their feeding time when they did something bad earlier, this might make them very meek around you for fear of going hungry again.

Don’t Raise Your Voice Against Them

Your dog recognizes your normal talking voice and your shouting voice. For the latter one, if you use it too much around them, they might not recognize your emotions since they don’t know much of the context of why you’re using that voice and might even wholly misinterpret it as something else.

For example, if you always yell at them during discipline training, they might tune you out eventually. Even worse, they will either be excited or agitated by your tone of voice, which, as we all know, can encourage plenty of bad behaviors. When disciplining them, always speak calmly and give clear commands.

Learn How to Redirect

Like calming down a baby while they’re doing their bout of tantrums, you can also do a little bit of redirecting to your dogs. When you catch them involved in undesirable actions, you can remove their attention from said behavior and instead put it into something positive. For example, let’s say that you’re in a dog park, and they’re getting excited about another dog in the park.

If you sense that they’re about to jump said dog or its owner, you can give them your preferred command to stop. You can call them toward you when they stop and give them something positive, like a toy. However, don’t accidentally reward them for bad behavior, which is our next point.

Don’t Accidentally Reward Them for Bad Behavior

When your dog does something wrong, don’t reward them for it. Yes, we know it’s obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people accidentally do this. Let’s have the previous situation, for example. Instead of giving them treats, which is a very strong indicator that they’ve done a “good job,” you can soothe them to calm them down or play with them.

Also Read: How to Prepare Your Home for a Dog

Don’t Rub Your Dog’s Nose

This is especially true for puppies. In the wild, dogs often mark their territories with their scent using their pee, just like other animals like tigers and lions. It’s a pretty common trait among a lot of animals. That said, your dog could also adopt this behavior in your home. This is mostly true when there is a new dog, or your dog hasn’t adjusted well in your home.

One misconception people often have is that it’s a good idea to rub your dog’s nose with their pee. It can damage your relationship, creating fear and mistrust toward you. This is a harsh punishment, which is why dogs often react negatively. Also, there’s little scientific evidence for this notion; it can be unhealthy for dogs since they lick their noses frequently, resulting in them ingesting pee or poo. To ensure strict potty training, you can follow the previous tips.

Final Words

Your dog doesn’t respond kindly to harsh methods of discipline. It would be best if you never forgot that. Instead, always be positive and kind to your dog whenever they make a mistake. However, you should also not reward them for bad behaviors as it’s counterproductive. It can instead encourage them to continue the bad behavior.

You should always be wary of when you give your treats and lessons, especially with the timing. Always be mindful and attentive to what your dog responds kindly to, and you’ll be successful in disciplining them.

Akash Saini
Akash Saini
Akash is an editor of Ok Easy Life. He is an atheist who believes in love and cultural diversity. To publish content on this blog read guidelines- Write for us

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