Friday, May 3, 2024

Are Flat Extension Cords Safe To Use? Tips For Proper Usage

Do you have, or are you considering, purchasing flat extension cords for use at home? If so, you may also be curious whether flat extension cords are safe to use, and it’s a good thing to be concerned about. As far back as 1990, extension cords were responsible for at least 4,600 fires based on the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates.

Even with technological and design improvements, the Electrical Safety Foundation attributes nearly 3,300 home fires to extension cords. Still, the real culprit is the improper use of extension cords. To answer your question, flat extension cords and just about any extension cord are safe to use, provided you use them as specified by the manufacturer and follow all safety tips.

Find out more about flat extension cords, their safety, and simple yet helpful tips for proper usage below.

Understanding Flat Extension Cords – Are They Safe to Use?

There are many types of extension cords besides a flat extension cord. Some other types include regular cords, T-connection cables, twist-lock, and appliance cords. Each of these has different specifications and is ideal for specific uses.

As the name suggests, flat extension cords are generally flattened, flexible to the touch, and are generally low-profile. This feat is achieved by running wires in the code alongside each other in a flat plane rather than intertwining them, which is the case with other extension cords.

The result is an extension cord that fits in just about any corner, crevice, or under the carpet, minus the convenience you’ll experience with other extension cords. Regarding safety, thanks to their unique, low-profile design, flat extension cords are relatively safer as they pose little tripping hazard.

So long as you’re able to follow manufacturer instructions and general safety tips, flat extension cords should serve you well without posing any risk to your safety. The downside of flat extension cords is that they’re not designed for use with heavy-duty appliances that draw significantly more power.

This can lead to structural damage on the extension cords, which can easily cause a fire or weaken them further, making the cords susceptible to damage by the elements or rodents.

Safety Considerations For Proper Usage of Flat Extension Cords

Flat Extension Cords-minDespite their hazards, extension cables are largely unavoidable, and you can find yourself having to use them at some point. While safety standards and manufacturers’ efforts to enhance safety have improved, exercising caution is still prudent.

Here are simple and practical tips for adequately using flat extension cords.

1. Choose the Right Cord For A Given Purpose

Each extension code is well-suited for a specific purpose. Manufacturers make necessary adjustments and features to accommodate the specific needs of what they’re supposed to do. An indoor flat extension cord usually has less protection against the elements than an outdoor extension cord.

Danger High Voltage-minUsing the wrong cord can lead to critical malfunctions, which may or may not lead to serious injury. Still, it’s always good to err on the side of caution. For your safety, stick to what the manufacturer prescribes as the recommended use for each flat extension cord you purchase.

2. Inspect Extension Cords Regularly

Flat extension cords are renowned for their hardy nature and low profile. Hence, most people set them up and forget. Like any other appliance or power tool, normal wear and tear is a natural phenomenon that must happen. Rodents are also known to gnaw at flat extension cords as the cords offer their teeth better purchase thanks to their unique shape.

To avoid any nasty incidents at your home, implement a comprehensive inspection procedure to check on your flat extension cords for any damage or compromise.

This way, you’ll be able to arrest any faults and deal with them early on before they become much bigger problems.

3. Repair Or Replace Damaged Extension Cords Immediately

Replace Damaged Extension Cords-minEquipment defects, wear, and tear are normal, and your flat extension cord will get damaged sooner or later. Whether it’s due to physical abrasion or exposure to moisture, ensure you replace or repair the damaged flat extension cords.

Ideally, replacing damaged extension cords is the better option. Still, if you can get a professional to repair it according to manufacturer specifications, that would be fine. Refrain from succumbing to the temptation to patch it up if you lack the technical know-how or if your sole repair tool is duct tape.

4. Never Daisy Chain Flat Extension Cords

Most people, and probably you, are guilty of doing this at least once. The general belief is that you can extend their range by chaining two or more flat extension cords. Unfortunately, this increases its length and adds a whole layer of hazardous complexity.

For starters, daisy chaining or plugging one or more flat extension cords to the other reduces its efficiency. This causes the extension cords to overheat, which can degrade their structural integrity or, in the worst case, start a fire. No matter what you’re trying to do, don’t attempt to daisy chain flat extension cords.

Final Thoughts

From as far back as the early 90’s, government regulators have been warning members of the public about the hazards of using extension cords. Today, this concern is still as valid as it was nearly 30 years ago.

Flat extension cords are generally safe to use, but this depends on the user’s ability to follow manufacturer specifications and instructions. Users also have to apply standard safety practices when handling flat extension cables to avoid them.

Akash Saini
Akash Saini
Akash is an editor of Ok Easy Life. He is an atheist who believes in love and cultural diversity. To publish content on this blog read guidelines- Write for us

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