Friday, May 3, 2024

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of a Tooth Infection?

A tooth infection is a severe disease that must be treated by a specialist. It is a tooth abscess, meaning you have a pus pocket caused by a bacterial infection. It can occur in different areas near the tooth for various reasons. A periapical abscess is located at the tip of your tooth root. A periodontal abscess stands at the side of your tooth root. 

A tooth infection can be severely painful and impair your daily life, including your diet, focus, and psychological and emotional state. However, a tooth infection can also go unnoticed without significant pain or discomfort. That is why regular visits to your dental clinics in Parramatta are crucial. Dentists will be able to diagnose a dental abscess or other diseases. Tooth infections are the most common purpose of a dentist visit. It will help you relieve the pain and heal your tooth. An untreated tooth infection can lead to severe complications; you must provide proper oral care by visiting your dental clinics in Paramatta regularly. This post will help you recognise the symptoms of a tooth infection. 

Oral pain 

Experiencing pain in your buccal cavity is unpleasant, and a tooth infection can be responsible for that. The pain is known to be persistent and throbbing, with sharp or dull sensations. The discomfort can be localised on the infected tooth but could radiate to the jaw, ear, sinus or neck.

You may also experience pain or discomfort with hot and cold temperatures and the pressure of chewing or biting. Whenever you feel such pain, do not hesitate to contact your dentist to ask for advice to release the pain and schedule an appointment. 


A dental abscess will accumulate pus in the infected tooth, provoking swelling. Swelling is your body’s natural defence against any infection; the lymphatic system plays a role. You may experience it on the face, cheek or jaw. 

Redness and warmth

Infections are known to produce heat. The infected area will likely be red and feel warm. Redness can be inside or outside the mouth on the face or jaw. 


High temperature may sometimes occure if the infection spreads beyond the tooth. Fever is necessary to fight bigger infections or viruses. In case of a fever, get an emergency appointment at your dental clinic in Paramatta. It would help if you stopped the infection progress as soon as possible. 

Bad taste or foul odour

The pus accumulation in the abscess is responsible for a bad taste in your mouth or bad breath. It must warn you about your tooth health. 

Swollen lymph nodes 

The immune system will respond to any infection, making your lymph nodes work and swell, especially around the infected area. A tooth infection may lead to swollen lymph nodes in the neck or under the jaw, which can be uncomfortable and worrisome. 

Difficulty swallowing or breathing 

If you struggle to swallow or breathe, this can occur in case of severe dental abscess, especially when the selling is extensive. You must go to an emergency room if you are experiencing such severe symptoms. 

It could happen that a pimple appears on the gums near the infected tooth, which is likely to be sore. 


If you have a fever and facial swelling, you must call your dental clinic for an emergency appointment. If you can’t reach your dentist, go to an emergency room. 

Tooth infections can quickly turn into severe diseases, so regular dentist check-ups and impeccable oral hygiene would help you keep your tooth sain and healthy. Remember to schedule visits to our dental clinics in Parramatta to get the best advice from your dentist. 

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