Monday, May 13, 2024

Why Not Let Somebody Else Worry About the Finer Details, And Technicalities?

The human mind is slowly becoming less efficient than technology and, before you know it, in the blink of an eye, nobody will pay any mind to it.

If you’ve witnessed the birth of home computers then, it’s quite an amazing time to live through, most people wouldn’t have seen this one coming when they were choosing their first word processor, that’s for sure.

Human processing power

Strangely enough, even the smartest of people can’t use the full processing power of their brains, to what extent isn’t entirely clear because there is not real way of measuring precisely what goes on in somebody’s mind. The thing is, nobody really knows how powerful the human mind is, although there is clear evidence to show that human brains aren’t exactly efficient, in terms of control.

No matter how focused you think you are, there is all sorts of stuff going on in the background which will be preventing you from being as productive as possible. It’s one of the reasons why Managed IT Services are so good at helping people to have less to think about.

Give yourself less to think about

The answer must be, to free up space, or to declutter, give yourself less to think about. It’s one of the reasons why people who do exercise help them to step away from the confusion of which shirt to wear, they seem to be more relaxed, and able to deal with situations that might trouble others.

Meditation, yoga, swimming, and running all have a lot to answer for when it comes to helping achieve a different state of mind, they all help to clear the mind, helping you to be more effective.

Interference everywhere

Although the mind has some protection, and the skull serves a well needed purpose, its design doesn’t exactly lend itself to ‘letting things go’, and ‘not letting things in’.

There’s a saying that goes something like, ‘you can’t unsee what you’ve seen’, the same can be said for what you touch and hear, the brain absorbs all of it, which you can’t control, and doesn’t have any known way of filtering stuff out that it doesn’t want.

When you think about it, practically, the mind is a bottleneck which is affected severely from both internal thoughts, and external, new information.

Therefore, most people walk around with a head full of stuff they never even wanted, some of which is detrimental because, although one has the freedom of choice when it comes to movement, they cannot choose what their brain does when it comes to what it does.

Just imagine how effective you could be

Imagine, that you had less to think about, and were able to choose your thoughts, as and when you wanted to access them. You’d be hugely efficient, it’s one of the reasons why AI is so good at what it does.

It isn’t driven by emotion, or feelings and it doesn’t carry around a whole load of unwanted baggage which slows it down, for that reason it is able to do the job it was designed for with next to no interference and with clear, directly channelled direction.

Akash Saini
Akash Saini
Akash is an editor of Ok Easy Life. He is an atheist who believes in love and cultural diversity. To publish content on this blog read guidelines- Write for us

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